What happens if the GL is exported to Intacct more than once on the same day?

Issue / Question:

  • The new journal entries from Cargas are not showing in Intacct.
  • Two different fiscal days were into Intacct on the same day, only one is showing in Intacct.
  • The GL was exported into Intacct twice on the same day


  • Cargas Energy version 2019 or later

Resolution / Answer:

The GL is exported into Intacct as one journal entry. When the GL is exported twice on the same day, it will override the prior entry every time it is exported. 

Confirm the GL has been exported on the same day can be done under Admin > Integrate > GL. Then, select "View Historical Export Summary" to review the Exported Date column. 

To correct this follow the below steps.

In Intacct:

  1. Delete the journal entry

In Cargas:

  1. Go to Admin > Integrate > GL
  2. Select the "View Historical Summary" link
  3. Select "Reset" on all the entries that were exported on the same day
  4. Run a month to date Interim GL to then export to Intacct

Best Practice:

  • Run an interim GL month to date to be exported into Intacct
  • Only export the interim GL once per day
  • Only export the Non interim GL at the end of the month, when ready to close



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