Liquid Controls LCR iQ Single Register Configuration


  • How do I configure a Liquid Controls LCR iQ meter with Mobile Delivery
  • This article will help you configure a single LCR iQ register to communicate with the Mobile Delivery devices.

  • This is most often completed by a truck shop as it requires putting the meter in configuration mode and possibly opening the register.


  • Cargas Energy
  • Single Liquid Controls LCR iQ Register


  • The register must have wired correctly internally.
    COM Port 1 is on Terminal Block  J14 on the I/O Board.

    the Violet wire must be on Terminal 91 and the Red wire must be on Terminal 92

  • In the I/O Setup Menu - COM0 must be setup for:
    Printer with an RS232 connection type and Baud Rate of 9600

  • In the I/O Setup Menu COM1 Must be setup for:
    LCP with an RS232 connection type - Baud Rate of 19200 - Timeout of 500 - Retries of 1

  • The default LCP Node Address setting from the factory is Node 250 and you will need to know the specific Node number that your LCR-II is calibrated to so that it can be selected during truck setup.
    (Here in this example you can see we have this meter setup for Node 2)

  • Printer and LCP Services need to be turned on.
    To make sure these are turned on press the Services button when you are on the I/O Setup Screen.

    Make sure that Printer and LCP are both Activated by being set to Yes in the Services screen



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