Issue / Question:
I am at a delivery and I am unable to start due to this Error: Error retrieving printer status: reached retry limit on command. GetMachineStatus
- Cargas Version 2019 and Greater
- New Mobile Delivery
Resolution / Answer:
Please try the following troubleshooting steps:
- How to Power Cycle Bluetooth FireFly
- Power cycle tablet.
- Power cycle truck.
- Make sure cables are connected and secure.
- Check truck setup to verify everything is correct.
- LCR-II - Clear Register of Pending Deliveries
- LCR-II - Print a Calibration Ticket
- Do a manual pump and print.
- Try another printer.
- Try another device.
If all above troubleshooting steps fail, and the driver is also unable to perform a pump and print, manual delivery, then this indicates a truck/register issue and will need to be looked at by your local truck mechanic or outfitter.
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